When you are looking to go to university there will be a number of options before you with regards to what kind of student accommodation you will choose. The majority of colleges offer on-campus accommodation such as halls, inner-city accommodation which is operated by the university, and you will also have private rentals specifically for students in cities, which are privately run.
One option which we are going to look at today is a student residential college. Not all universities offer this, but there are a lot of benefits of this way of life, if you are going to a university which does.
What Exactly is a Residential College?
Residential colleges take a different approach towards university life, as they group together students in a communal setting. The idea of such a college is to create a real sense of community amongst students during their time at university. Students will stay on campus, they will eat in the dining hall together and they will also have their lectures close to their residences. The cost of residential colleges is more than other forms of accommodation but in return the student will have all meals provided, a larger living quarter and closer access to their studies.
What Are The Benefits of Residential Colleges?
This type of student accommodation offers an all-encompassing approach to education and provides a wealth of benefits to students who choose this option. Studies have shown that the results of students in residential colleges are much higher than those who live in other types of accommodation. It is important to factor in that university is more than just academic education, but also a time for students to learn to be independent. Residential colleges help to bridge the gap for students between leaving home and going alone. Students who stay in residential colleges are also much more involved in the student life, and they are encouraged to join groups and clubs which are operated within the college.
What Are The Drawbacks of a Residential College?
Whilst not necessarily a disadvantage, it should be noted that the cost of a residential college is far higher than any other type of accommodation. Additionally some students may feel that they are not able to be as independent as they would like to be once they commence their studies, given that so much is offered in-house. Some students also remark that because a residential college is so routine-driven, life there can at times become boring. This of course is not the experience of every student who lives in this way.
The ideal candidate for this kind of student accommodation is someone who wants a little bit of support in entering into university life. A student who is happy to play a key role within this new community and someone who is very much focused on their education above all else. This is not the ideal option for all students, but there are many who benefit greatly from attending a residential college.